Computing Technologies
Data Science, Cloud Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning Techniques
Big Data Analytics
Blockchain Technology
Computer Graphics
Vision, and Animation
Software Engineering
Computer Networks
Database Systems
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing
Quantum Computing
Quantum Algorithms
Quantum Information Processing
Security Analytics
Internet of Things (IoT)
AR/VR Systems, Applications
Blockchain Technology
Sustainable Computing
VLSI and Micro Electronics
Signal Processing
Robotics and Embedded Systems
5G and 6G Technology
Wireless Networking
Semiconductor Device Physics
Nano-Materials & Opto-Electronics
Industrial Electronics
Embedded designs
Micro-Electronic Device Fabrication
Wireless Communication
Signal and Image Processing
Biomedical Healthcare
Informatics and Analytics
Point-of-Care Diagnostics
Microfluidics, biosensors, lab-on-a-chip
Smart Cities & Urban Planning and Design
Precision Agriculture farming
MEMS and Sensors
Microwave and Antenna
Medical Electronics
Smart Cities and Villages
Sensors Interfaces and Sensors Analytics
Quantum Sensors and Emerging
Technologies & Other Novel Applications
Power Systems
Renewable Energy , Energy Systems / Storage
Smart Grids
Control Systems,Process Control
Industrial automation
process optimization
Self-driving cars, UA/UW Vehicles
Aerospace, and other fields
Robotics and Mechatronics
Tribology: Friction, wear, and lubrication
Mechanical Failure Analysis
Aerodynamics and Aerospace Engineering
Manufacturing and Materials/ Processes
Sustainable Green Building Materials
Green energy technologies
Smart designs & Systems
Earthquake Engineering
Structural Health Monitoring
Advanced Materials
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Water Resources Engineering
Hydraulics and Hydrology
Geotechnical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Air Pollution Control: Systems
Sustainable Development solutions
The International Conference on Microstructure, VLSI, Robotics, Communication, Electrical & Emerging Technologies using AI-ML Algorithms (MVRCET) is a premier global event. It brings together researchers, engineers, and industry experts to share their latest innovations and findings. The conference focuses on the application of AI-ML algorithms in various fields, exploring their potential to transform traditional technologies and drive future advancements.
MVR College of Engineering and Technology,Beside Hanuman Statue on NH-65, Paritala(V), Kanchikacherla(M),NTR Dist. A.P. PIN-521180.
+91 9959408716
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