+91 9959408716 | icmvrcet2025@mvrcoe.ac.in


International Technical Advisory Committee:

National Technical Advisory Committee:

Organizing Committee:


Dr. B. Suresh Babu, Professor, ME, MVRCET

Dr. V. Rathna Bhargavi, Professor, ECE, MVRCET

Dr. J. Venkateswara Rao, Professor, S&H, MVRCET

Mrs. Ch. Sujatha, Asst.Professor,&,MBA, MVRCET

Mr. U. Naresh, Asst.Professor,EEE, MVRCET


Dr.P. Balakrishna, HOD, CIVIL, MVRCET.

Dr. D. Srinivas, Professor, HOD-CSE-AI, MVRCET

Dr. S. Venkata Swamy, Professor, HOD, ECE,MVRCET

Mr Ch. Sreenu Babu, HOD,CSE,MVRCET

Mr. Kamal Kiran Tata, HOD, EEE,MVRCET

Mr. K . Pradeep Kumar , HOD, ME,MVRCET

Mr. A.V.Anil Kumar, HOD, S&H,MVRCET


Mr. N. Madhu Bindu, Asst.Prof., CSE, MVR College of Engineering&Technology,vijayawada, India

Mr. N. Venkateswara Rao, Asst.Prof. CSE,MVRCET.

Mr. S. Venkateswara Rao, Asst.Prof. CSE,MVRCET.

Mr. K. Veera Swamy, Asst.Prof. ECE,MVRCET.

Mrs. A. Roja Vara Lakshmi, Asst.Prof. ECE ,MVRCET

Mr. P. Koteswara Rao, Asst.Prof. ECE,MVRCET


Mr. Ch.Vijay Chandar, Associate Professor, EEE, MVRCET

Mr. Ch. Pavan Kumar, Associate Professor, EEE, MVRCET

Mr. M.Musalaiah, Associate Professor,CIVIL, MVRCET

Mr. B.Krishna Naik, Associate Professor, CIVIL, MVRCET

Mr. P.Chanti, Associate Professor, MECH, MVRCET

Mr. J. Naresh Babu, Associate Professor, MECH, MVRCET


The International Conference on Microstructure, VLSI, Robotics, Communication, Electrical & Emerging Technologies using AI-ML Algorithms (MVRCET) is a premier global event. It brings together researchers, engineers, and industry experts to share their latest innovations and findings. The conference focuses on the application of AI-ML algorithms in various fields, exploring their potential to transform traditional technologies and drive future advancements.

Get In Touch

MVR College of Engineering and Technology,Beside Hanuman Statue on NH-65, Paritala(V), Kanchikacherla(M),NTR Dist. A.P. PIN-521180.

+91 9959408716


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